Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tax Free Gun Sale Weekend in SC

Now, I should probably be the last person in the world to write anything about guns, but my motto is if a reader requests a topic that I will write on it and make it humorous, so here it goes.

In July the SC General assembly voted to have its’ First Annual Second Amendment Sales Tax Holiday, This holiday allowed for tax free sales of firearms on the weekend following Thanksgiving. The results of this Sale were greeted enthusiastically by gun purchasers and sales were heavy this weekend wherever you could buy guns especially pawn shops. I guess if you look at it, why not, most criminals buy their guns on the black market and do not pay taxes anyway, so why not let us have the chance to also not pay taxes to buy guns to protect ourselves against the guys who buy guns without paying taxes to kill us and rob us and all the other crimes that are associated with firearms.

I am not sure what other states besides SC and NC have tax free gun sales at all or even for a weekend, but I do have to remember that I am in South Carolina and things are different here than in the rest of the populated portions the USA. The “war” is still not over yet according to some people you talk to, they still make moonshine in the mountains, a sport started out of moonshine running racers, dentists are not a common doctor that most people see, and last but not least they feel they have to own a gun. Now when you talk to some of the people here (that is if you can understand them to begin with) they will tell you that the reason they need guns is for “huntin”. (no g’s are ever pronounced in SC) I am not exactly sure why killing things is such an important part of life down here, but people take off of work during deer season to get up extremely early in the morning to sit in a frickin tree all day waiting for their chance to shoot some unexpecting Bambi. The really do not want the Bambi’s though they want the Bucks so they can then show off their manhood by mounting the frickin antlers and putting them up on their wall as a trophy. Yep that’s right I am a redneck deer killer. What a great statement and a tradition to be carried on by their grandchildren. I’ll tell you where I would like to put those antlers.

I mentioned a sport starting form moonshining. The official definition of NASCAR is National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing. My own definition of this is North and South Carolina Assholes Racing. Yep the only reason this got its’ start was to run moonshine through the mountains without getting caught. It’s a shame these boys make millions from something that was started by a bunch of rednecks in the mountains. Yee Haaaaaa let’s buy some guns so we can shoot at the guys trying to get our moonshine, but make sure it is on Tax Free Day.
Now back to our main topic I guess this is the SC way to stimulate the economy because they sell so many guns that the tax money saved by not paying the taxes for one day will be so much it will stimulate the economy out of recession. How about a Tax Free Car Day, hey what an idea, stimulate sales for an industry that needs one, and give up the tax money for a weekend so that those buying a car can afford a few extra tanks of gas taking road trips and spending some of that extra money But then again who am I to say what tax money to give away and what the regular guy would really want in terms of a tax savings.

I like to stay away from politics and religion in my weekly comments here, so I will leave the issue of the economy alone and go back to Guns. I think the next tax free should be a fishin stuff (another word with no G in the south) It is the same premise and used for killing things just like the guns. The only difference is that people can’t be shot with fishin stuff but they can with guns.

Ok now, criminals wouldn’t get their guns from regular shops anyway, it is mostly black market. Now what if were to tax the Black Market, we know it’s there and no one gives a damn about it anyway because law enforcement officials continue to let them exist. So I say we hire Mafia type guys who know the Blank Market guys anyway to go in there as if they were collecting a bad debt for a bookie and get the taxes from them. If not, they can break their legs or something like that. If worse comes to worse they could even threaten them with the guns they paid no taxes on during the Second Amendment Tax Free Weekend.

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