The 4 word sequence made infamous by the Monty Python sketch which was a spoof of the product made by Hormel in whichever everybody loves with everything especially at the diner in the spoof where Spam is served in any and every type of possible combination. Believe it or not, it was this song that actually coined the phrase “spam” for junk email. It is just like the people in the song, it pops up all the time and is extremely repetitive and irritating.
I hate Spam, we all hate spam. You know, the stuff that fills your E-mail In Box over and over again with messages that no one apparently really wants or cares about. But think about it, someone actually does buy those pills because he wants that thicker penis to satisfy his woman. Good for you buddy! But mine is fine!! It’s probably the same guy that buys the Viagra specials from Canada, yes we have certified doctors to write your prescription right now. You can use that guaranteed loan to get you 100% debt free to pay for either of these products along with the course as to how to be a multi-millionaire in 5 minutes or less. If that does not work just remember that your are the next of kin to someone you do not know that recently died in some remote part of the world and you have 60 Million coming to you if you send half of it back to someone you do not know.
If you think about it, the world of advertising is nothing but a barrage of spam that infiltrates our life almost constantly. Here is a normal condensed day which shows all the instances of spam for most people. You wake up in the morning and turn on the television or radio and you immediately get commercials. Are commercials spam? Well it is a message that you necessarily do not want to hear. Think about late night sports programming and late night television, this is where you really get hit with the most spam advertising, junk over and over again and infomercials. Anyway back to the morning when you are in the car listening to sports talk radio as I mentioned, it is over and over the same message. OK you finally get to work and turn on your computer check emails and wow… I let my junk mailbox fill up for one week without dumping it and there were over 500 that went directly into it, this does not count the ones that got through the filter and I just hit delete. It just pisses me off because it takes so much extra time to get to the messages I really want. OK now, you are on your way home from work and listening to sports radio again. You go to the mailbox and get a bunch of junk mail with no relevance, Now you get home finally wanting to relax and it is of your wife(not my wife) constantly telling you to do things over and over and over again.
Spam, spam, spam, spam.
I know that was a low shot and really was not meant to offend anybody, but think about it. If Spam really is about unwanted repetitive messages it is in our lives on a constant basis. Think about how our kids feel when we tell them to clean their rooms over and over again. I guess that is why they wear their IPODS all the time so they do not have to listen to I’m sure what they consider to be Spam from us. Why do they have IPODS in the first place? It is because of the repetitive advertising that made them want them and talk us into getting it for them because we did not want to hear their SPAM anymore about wanting an IPOD. And the list goes on and on and on and on.
Yes, that’s right I could go on about Spam for hours but that would be more spam to you, so I will finally stop this rant to have breakfast. Yep you guessed it Spam and Eggs.
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