Wow, what a topic to be given to write about….Where to even start and how to get into it. My only regret in being asked to write on this is the varied audience that may read this so having to keep it less graphic kind of dilutes how funny this really could be but here I go anyway.
This could take many different avenues and I have not yet decided which path to take. Do I take this on a personal route going through the rigors of dating while growing up as a geek in Chicago, through my college days, young adulthood, adulthood and eventual marriage? If I did it that way there would be several good and somewhat embarrassing stories which dependent upon who was reading this could eventually lead into lawsuits for defamation of character by even mentioning the fact that this person or that person was in any way associated with me in my geekhood or had any type of relationship at all which could be totally demoralizing to their character and possible could end in the total destruction of their current relationship(s). Why would this lead to the destruction of relationships? Well in one of two ways, their current partner could be totally ashamed of the fact of association or on the other hand and most likely that they had dated such an extraordinary human being and they could not live up to my standards and reputation. Well, anyway, enough about me as I have not decided to go in this direction.
What is dating? Well in a sense of definition it is described as any social activity performed as a pair or even a group with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as their partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse... The word refers to the act of agreeing on a time and "date" when a pair can meet and engage in some social activity. (Source Wikipedia)
That is a lot to take in, accessing, suitability, intimacy, engaging activities, eventual marriage, and on and on and on. It all starts at an early age….yes your right and you thought the days of parent arranging dates were over or just reserved for third world countries. Parents begin this activity for their toddler children at very early ages by arranging play dates with other children. This begins the total socialization process which will last the rest of their lives. But what about the lingering effects of the meddling parent by arranging these play dates? What if Suzy does not want to play with Tommy because she prefers to play with Sally because of her innate instinct to gravitate toward girls? Suzy will be even more suppressed as she goes on into the world until she eventually comes out of the closet sometime in her twenties? OK now, enough of my cynicism. But realistically think of the various different types of dating that takes place throughout one’s life and the differences between the types of dates and ages of the participants. Although somewhat overstated it does start with the scenario as listed above.
Teenage Dating: What can we say here but hormones, hormones, hormones? It starts with they like each other but are afraid to talk with the other person and who knows where it eventually ends up. Group dates are the way they mask us into believing it is all innocent. They hang out with the same group and go places but they all like each other, eventually they pair off into their couples. The next step is then double dating… now the group has whittled down to 2 couples and neither will squeal on the other as to what is going on or tell parent anything but we know better because we were teens once too….. I want to get into my details but then again this is read by a variety of age groups so….. Not to give any ideas I must refrain from the good stuff. Next thing you know, they are 16 and the car dates begin. Need I say more except do not listen to any songs by Meatloaf. I guess it is just to be left up to good old condom sense. Oh yes and then we go into Proms…. Need I say more?
Early adulthood: Just regular dating, but remember ourselves and how many dates one can go on in a night. Never, lure yourself into the sense that you are in a committed relationship if the date begins at 7PM and you are home and going out with your buddies by 11:00 PM. She is not at home but out on another date and that is the guy who is getting lucky that night not you. Oh yes, we all have been fooled but how long can that go on. Confront them and you will never get another date, try to get the late date and if there are always excuses move on because as we all know there are way too many opportunities that were squandered than deals that went through. Yes I am just rambling now but what more can I say and really keep it clean.
Blind Dates: We have all been through these where a friend sets you up with a friend they have told you about and then you decide to meet them. Personally I had only a couple of bad blind dates, but the horror stories are there. You basically are there to access the other person and see if there is compatibility. Well, wait that is it for any type of date isn’t it. That is the first date is a get to know you, the second date is more of the same to see if you really get along. The third date the most critical date for a guy that is if we don’t get anywhere here it is out the door and move on the next one. Make this a late date; if it is to be an early date don’t bother at all. Have to remember still young and the drive is always there.
This can go on and on and on…. But remember that the circle of life always will take us back to the beginning and that as we grow older that Senior Dating was supposed to be like the innocent group dates of our early teen years dating for companionship. For those of us reading with elderly parents who are dating again let me end this whole essay with one word which will bring you the ultimate peace of mind. VIAGRA.
Transfered from Facebook comments pages.
6:40pm on September 14th, 2008
Oh my God that was so funny. You did a great job at getting your point across while keeping it clean at the same time.
(Greenville, SC) wrote
at 11:46pm September 18th, 2008
I will have to say that your Thoughts on Dating was very insightful. You have now scared the s%$t out of me (having 3 daughters) bringing back old memories of naive girls and the so called "geek" that may be dating them. It seems to me that you were more of player than you lead on. You provided too much insight on the rigors of dating or more aptly stated, Ed's sick and perverted manifesto on dating and how to achieve the ultimate goal at dates end. It is easy for a gentleman like you who is raising a young man to look at dating as a challenge to conquer and fulfill a sick internal need. In future writings, please respect the fact that fathers of young ladies do not need to be reminded that sick old men are currently raising the next generation of sick young men who's goal is to perpetrate young women. I for one do not need to be reminded because I was once you--I am now ashamed and scared. Maybe you can write a follow up on the importance of abstinence. This may provide much needed advice to young men in this area( Greenville) who may have the same sicks thoughts as you do or had during your dating experience. It would be nice if you could educate these young men prior to them dating my daughters. Just a thought. Keep up the good work. Dirk
Comment transferred from my facebook account.
at 5:37pm September 14
LOL...VERY entertaining. The Meatloaf reference had me laughing out loud
Good insights, but I am disappointed that you never explained how you got your nickname, Fast Eddie. Perhpaps that's foodder for another column.
Just a note from an old friend in the Windy City who went to HS and college with you.
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